Advertising With TSSG
42,000K+ Subscribers

Looking to share your product with a great community of more than 40,000 Students and Christian Educators?
If you’re looking for a friendly environment where you can share great products and services, you are in right place. This is a particularly great spot for ministry products and services. We have lots of good opportunities that will benefit you.
That Sunday School Girl is now offering partnership opportunities!
Do you have a product, service, message, event, facility, or program that you’d like to share with Ministry Leaders, Small Group Leaders, and Bible Study Leaders?
Reach a target Christian learning audience of more than 10,000 in one week! The first 3 minutes of my weekly highlight video, exit photos and social mentions of the week belong to you.
Run your own (max 3 minute) commercial on my Youtube Channel.
Product must make a relevant connection to Christian Education. Let me help push your product or brand. (No copyright music allowed)

Got a product you want to share with an audience? I can help. Select here for a max 5 minute sponsored ad using YOUR important messaging/language!

Visual Brand Ambassador
Where did you get your shirt? I like your necklace. People ask and I am happy to wear/share your brand. You provide product, I mention and share a link in video description box!

That Sunday School Girl is now on PINTEREST! Follow my boards for great inspiration for your lessons, craft, snacks, classrooms, making study fun and more.

SOLO post/print feature on all#TSSG social media for 1 day. $50 Billed Once. Artwork and link must be provided. Does not include video or music.
We offer wonderful opportunities for feature on our weekly Youtube Video!
Partnering with That Sunday School Girl provides the unique opportunity target a very specific audience.
- Place your Bible study or ministry product before an audience of Bible students and Christina Education Leaders making selection of studies for their church.
- Market your speaking ministry to ministries/small groups who are actively seeking speakers for upcoming events.
- Invite Sunday School, Bible Study, Small Group and ministry leaders to purchase your products for their next retreat, conference, or event.
- Showcase your conference facilities.
That Sunday School Girl readers:
- Actively seek ways to best utilize their ministry funds.
- Continually search for fresh and fun ministry ideas.
- Have full schedules and appreciate products and information that saves them time.
- Rely heavily on reviews to guide their team and love the opportunity to receive free ministry tools.
- Reside primarily in the United States, but also live in Canada, Mexico, Europe, South Africa, Australia, and other countries around the globe.
- Serve in a variety of church denominations and church sizes (from small to mega).
That Sunday School Girl is a family friendly ministry blog which talks focuses on Christian Sunday School/Bible Study curriculum. This blog entered the might blogosphere on May 1, 2015 with the hope of sharing our study learnings and creating a safe environment for lesson commentary and conversation. We are a community that is growing daily! We have readers all over the globe with the majority of them being from US.